my blogs, my way, my life..

who i am reflects pretty much on how i present my blogs to the world. read on and listen to that little voice whispering to your ear - bienvenue!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Joke, Insult?

The time ticked itself as 12.48am. Wednesday 21st June 2006. Time flies. Okay, I didn't really thought of blogging until I read something online. You know, the feeling of reading something that triggers your mind way back to when it happened, really felt funny. A bit heartache too. Here's what happened.

We went to a radio interview way, way back then. Yeah yeah, eventually some questions came and we had to answer it. Pop, something came out of my mouth and seriously.. it was a joke! No kidding! Totally, just a joke. I admit that it was kinda rude letting it out but heck, I didn't mean it! I explained and well, although he gave me the feeling that he's not listening.. I thought deep down inside he did accepted my apologies, somehow.. All went well until 10 minutes ago. I felt disappointed.

Again, I stress it again. It was a joke. Didn't know it made it to the INSULT LIST. Come on. You can't put a joke and assume it's an insult, can you?

Oxford Dictionary says:


• verb /insult/ speak to or treat with disrespect or abuse.

• noun /insult/ 1 an insulting remark or action. 2 a thing so worthless or contemptible as to be offensive: the pay offer is an absolute insult.


• noun 1 a statement made or short story told in order to cause amusement. 2 a trick played for fun. 3 informal a ridiculously inadequate or inappropriate thing.

See the difference? If I purposely made a joke out of that, yeah I guess it was very wrong of me to say that. But I explained. It came out with no other intention. Honestly, I really thought you've gotten over it.

Don't mean to make a big fuss out of this but I think I deserve the right to speak for myself. Hope you understand :)


Blogger dannyone said...

no worry.. he just write for fun and he aredi get over it liao.. just tat time onli can think of tis few line...
moreover it was just a blog;) and u know his english always tat bad de lah..
no hard feeling...
thanks for the Oxford Dictionary heheh.....
yup u have the rite to speak douz.. and i understand..
again he stress.. he jsut write for fun... .. ;)

2:16 AM  
Blogger e. alfredo rick said...

hehe no problem man :)

2:37 AM  

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