my blogs, my way, my life..

who i am reflects pretty much on how i present my blogs to the world. read on and listen to that little voice whispering to your ear - bienvenue!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

car break-down

Date: 17th October 2004
Time: 1:06am
Venue: Restaurant Padang Jawa 24 Hours

i was driving off from girlfriends house and discovered smoke coming out from the engine bay.. called up nazlee and he asked to go Padang Kota Mamak, the place where tvcm's first gathering was held.. reached there after 14 minutes drive.. nazlee, terrence and vmpire2 checked my car and found out smokes coming out from the engine bay.. opened car hood and terrence brought his torchlight to locate where the smoke come from.. after a while of checking.. smoke resulted from unknown oils dripping towards hot engine somewhere down below.. couldnt really see where.. decided to leave the car to rest before further check-ups.. start engine after that and revved a few times before big big smoke came up from the engine bay..

decided to call up toyota's 24 hour toll service.. the red toyota card.. didnt start the engine cos of the smokes but pushed the car to another side.. terrence steered while me, nazlee and vmpire2 pushed.. discovered another BIG patch of oils on the road where the car last located.. SCARY.. sat and waited for tow truck to come while chatting about cars in general with nazlee and his wife, nozilan, terrence and vmpire2..

tow truck arrived around 3.00 am and towed me car back to my house.. dad said its too dangerous to leave the car in SC.. departed from Padang Kota Mamak after that..

here i would want to extend my greatest gratitude from the bottom of my heart to nazlee and wife, nozilan, terrence and vmpire2 (in alphabetical order) for helping me out just now.. without you guys i'd be stuck in the middle of nowhere and might also blowed my engine away.. they have truly shown a very high spirit towards helping members in need of tvcm.. im very touched

thank you,


signing off @ 5.50 am


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